Win32 PostgreSQL 7.5/PostGIS


Subject: [postgis-users] Win32 PostgreSQL 7.5/PostGIS snapshot available for developers

Hi guys,

After following all the traffic on this list about Win32 PostgreSQL, I
thought it would be a useful exercise to try and build it myself. The
result is that I now have a working snapshot which I have decided to
upload to the web to allow developers to determine how their spatial
applications may perform under Win32. The download can be found at and is roughly 14Mb in
size. The installation includes PostGIS CVS, PROJ 4.4.8 and GEOS CVS
taken from the end of last week.

Installation is simple: extract the ZIP file in C:\ and all the paths
should be correct. The only thing to watch out for is to make sure you
don't have another copy of libpq.dll in \WINDOWS or \WINDOWS\SYSTEM[32].
There are several scripts included to ease setting things up.

- pgstart.bat starts the PostgreSQL server
- env.bat starts a command line with the correct path so any of
postgres executables can be run, e.g. psql.exe
- initdb.bat performs an initdb in the C:\pgsql75win\data
